Job Wiring

Job analysis and development of accurate job descriptions support many critical aspects of an organization’s human capital management –
• Recruitment of the correct candidate
• Establishment of competitive compensation
• Individual productivity and employee engagement
• Streamline of work processes and accountability
• Identification of training needs
• Compliance with labor laws


Jobs are analyzed to identify the requirements needed for employees to be successful on the job – helping both the employer and the employee. There are numerous methods of analyzing jobs including observation, interviewing, questionnaires, competency profiling, etc. Regardless of the method used, HRC focuses on the job itself and not the person performing the job. This ensures accuracy of job function regardless of who is performing it.
Depending on the nature of the job as well as project specifications, Bridging GAPS will apply its proprietary job analysis approach, which incorporates a two-fold, cross-referencing solicitation and validation of the job by both the job incumbent and supervisor, ensuring consistency by title and/or work area. Other methods are incorporated into the analysis process as needed to develop a comprehensive job profile. The results are improved compliance with various employment-related laws
Job descriptions are the foundation of organizational performance, and serve as key drivers in a variety of HR functions. At Bridging GAPS, the development of effective job descriptions is a critical part of our Success philosophy. Bridging GAPS-developed job descriptions:
  • •Define the jobs for performance planning, transfer, promotion, staff planning, career, and disability accommodation purposes
  • Use standard formats that allow for consistent application
  • Give employees written definitions of their jobs
  • Provide reliable sources for compensation plan design and establishing internal equity
  • Help organizations move swiftly to increase or replace staff due to increased business or turnover
  • Help those responsible for work flow to perform systematic analyses of organizations’ work processes from start to finish
  • Assist in meeting important compliance obligations.

Benefits of Job Wiring

No law requires business owners to have written job descriptions for the positions in their companies. They take time to write — and time is precious for businesses.
On the other hand, job descriptions can be very useful. Job descriptions are the result of analysis — the process of identifying and determining the particular duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given position. Once you have determined the duties and requirements you can write a job description, but you can also use the document to:
  1. Write job ads and interview questions.
    The first step in finding the right employee is to know what you need. Performing job analysis and writing a job description will help you to determine exactly what skills, experience, cognitive capabilities and behaviors you want in your new employee. Once you have determined these specifics, you can use them to write your job ad and interview questions.
  2. Develop new employee orientation.
    Fully understanding the job duties can help you to make sure that nothing is left out when you put together the orientation plan for your new hire. The job description provides you a list of essential and secondary duties. It gives you a complete picture. It will prompt you to remember the daily tasks and those that are performed less frequently as well as the individuals the employee will interact with.
  3. Create training and development specific to the needs of the job.
    What do you need to teach your employee to do? You know the skills your employee has. A job description outlines the skills required by the job. What better way to identify gaps between the two? What skills or experience does the employee need to acquire to be able to move into another job? Job descriptions can help you to identify development needs.
  4. Determine compensation and other rewards.
    Before you can decide how much you should pay for a particular position, you need to know what is required to perform the job. Job analysis will help you think through education requirements, specific skills and licenses, levels and length of experience. All of these effect compensation.
  5. Manage performance.
    Managing employee performance is easier if you have thought through the job requirements. In addition, many job descriptions will list performance expectations. For example, you may write that the employee will answer the phone, within three rings, using a specific greeting and a pleasant voice.