
Rohit Chawla

Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management – A Boon or a Bane?

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The word which has created waves of optimism and pessimism in concomitance in the minds of leaders of Business firms across the world is Artificial Intelligence (AI).  What is AI? AI is the intelligence exhibited by machines rather than natural intelligence (humans or animals) to get the work done.   The concept of AI is very debatable and the researchers are still on the pathway to conclude whether AI is a boon or a bane...
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Why is Finance and Accounting outsourcing beneficial?

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After reading this article you would know what finance and outsourcing is and why is it beneficial to any organization. Outsourcing is a practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally. Financial outsourcing is a business strategy that involves contracting with outside providers of services for various types of financial and accounting functions. Benefits of Finance and accounting outsourcing: 1. Cost saving...
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Selecting a FAO firm made easy

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Selecting a financing and accounting outsourcing firm is a muddling as a lot of question arises while doing this particular task. This article will let you know what all things to keep in mind while selecting a FAO firm for all types of businesses. 1. Fees Accounting fees vary from one firm to another. Some accountants charge a set rate for each financial task they perform, such as filing a personal income tax form or...
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Finance and Accounting operations costing too much? Here’s how to change it.

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Finance and accounts department always has to be efficient as it is a core functions at the heart of the company. Businesses these days believe in running lean. So how can the finance department meet these competing demands and still run at lower cost? Some tips to run at peak efficiency and saving cost. 1. Automate Reducing manual labour as much as possible could be a way to reduce the cost. Junior level employees often...
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Creating a milieu that attracts and retain Top Talent

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Why is it that certain organisations’ have people queuing up to secure employment with them, while others despite advertisements, open positions, promises of great benefits etc. still find it impossible to engage talented people for their vacant/open positions? These are magnetic workplaces—that attract crème de la crème thanks to the sheer power of the reputation and word-to-mouth goodwill that they have generated due to being employee centric. These are places where employees love to work....
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Effective leadership styles in Indian context.

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    Ralph Waldo Emerson aptly put forth what we want from a LEADER—our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.   History stands testimony, that great leaders whether they lead an organization or a country appreciate the significance of providing inspiration and the path to achieve the larger goals of their followers. A good leader seems to lead effortlessly; the goal is to demonstrate the...
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Business Processes Outsourcing: A Boon or A Bane

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Business processes outsourcing is no longer a new concept. It’s been more than two decades since this concept has whetted it’s feet in the market. Over the time, it has proved to be a boon for some businesses while for some it has brought about a business mismanagement. The main purpose of outsourcing is to ensure better results in key business elements like supply chain management, logistics, Human Resource Management and other important processes. By...
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